Reading aloud isn’t just something that’s good for kids to do. In addition to being a relaxing, bonding experience for adults, it could help boost your memory. According to recent studies, researchers have found a direct correlation between reading out loud and improved function in the part of the brain that controls memory. As your local provider of senior home care, TLC Your Way Home Care always wants to share ways that older adults can live more enriching, fulfilling lives. Here’s a little bit of information about these findings and how you can apply them to your life or the life of a loved one.

  • When it comes reading and memory, what’s best? To better understand how reading impacts human memory, scientists had participants try out different reading activities. Participants were divided up into groups. One group read the material silently, one group listened to audio recordings (either in their own voice or someone else’s), and one group read it aloud.
  • Is there a connection between words and memory? After the study was conducted, the reports showed that those who read aloud had more signs of increased memory than the other groups. The researchers found that there was a connection between learning and memory and that both of these areas improve from active involvement, such as reading out loud.
  • Are there other language-related activities that can help with memory? There are plenty of ways you can use language to boost memory. For instance, word puzzles and crosswords can be very helpful for memory. All in all, if you enjoy activities like reading books to your grandchildren and solving puzzles, keep it up! Take any steps you can to work your brain for better memory.

If you’d like to learn more about how seniors can live happier, fuller lives, call TLC Your Way Home Care. Our senior home care services are focused around helping people age in place so they can get the most out of their golden years.