Summer is a fun time for people of all ages. For seniors, it may be a chance to see relatives who live far away but have a chance to visit once school gets out. There may be special events like reunions or parties that bring the chance to reminisce about the good old days. But summer can also be a dangerous time for elderly people. That’s because our bodies change as we age, making us more susceptible to sun- and heat-related health problems. TLC Your Way Home Care wants the seniors you love to stay healthy during the hot summer months. Here are a few ways you can keep them safe.

  1. Keep them cool. Older people don’t feel the heat in the same way that younger people do. They may not feel the need to run air conditioners or fans on really hot days. However, just because they sense temperatures differently doesn’t mean the health risks go away. In fact, senior citizens are at a higher risk of suffering heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses. To avoid this danger, make sure the older people in your life keep cool by setting the air conditioning at a good level, wearing lightweight clothing, and staying inside when temperatures and humidity levels are highest.
  2. Keep them hydrated. Just like they experience heat differently, seniors often don’t feel as thirsty. This means they’re probably consuming less water. Dehydration is a real threat during extended periods of high temperatures. If you have a senior in your life, encourage them to drink between six and eight glasses of water each day. If they’re spending any time outdoors in the heat, they’ll probably need to drink more.
  3. Keep an eye on them. Heat-related health concerns can come on in a hurry. Sometimes the best way to protect older people is to make sure they’re okay. If you can’t always be there, work with an independent living company that provides in-home care services for seniors. TLC Your Way Home Care has trained caregivers who provide companionship and assistance when you need it.

As with any medical concern, be sure to contact a doctor if you have questions. For more information on the services offered by TLC Your Way Home Care, contact us today.